Law and Justice

Law and Justice
As Sir Ivor Jennings rightly said the statement – “Indian constitution is paradise for lawyers”, common citizens of India find it very difficult to have accessibility to law and justice. The law of our land is that much complex and the accessibility to justice is much expensive that a large percentage of Indian population don’t approaches the judiciary of our country. It’s like a huge gap between the justice delivering authorities and the justice seeking poor people in India.
AGAM, as a Civil Society Organization, seeks to fill up this gap through legally empowering people by providing free legal assistance to the poor and marginalized communities. Making the law and justice machineries less complex for them and empowering them to know their various rights.
Our objective of making societies more just, includes following main points –
- To secure the rule of law and independence of the judiciary.
- To uphold and promote by peaceful means civil liberties and the democratic way of life throughout India.
- To combat social evils which encroach on liberties such as untouchability, casteism and communalism.
- To defend, in particular, the civil liberties of the weaker sections of society and of women and children.
- To approach to the component court(s) to safeguard the rights of the general people and for the public interests from time to time as the society may deem fit and proper.
- To provide legal awareness about human rights and various modes of dispute settlement mechanisms i.e. Lok Adalat, Family Courts, Mahila Courts, Crime against Women Cells, NCW, NEE State Commission etc.
- To provide legal, medical and social economic help and assistance to the needy people (as notified by the respective government).
- To organize seminar on social justice, educational and economic upliftment to raise legal demand and fundamental rights provided by the Constitution of India.
- To educate the people and organize various kinds of awareness programs/activities regarding consumer protection laws and rights of the public in this connection.
- To provide free guidance about Criminal Law and Women related offences of dowry, rape, molestation, child rape and child abuse etc.