Rural Development

Rural Development
“India is not Calcutta and Bombay; India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages.” when Mahatma Gandhi made this statement, it was not a mere utterance but a reminder to each and every one living within the bounds of the Indian sub-continent about the kind of culture we have had and the way forward for ensuring holistic development.
This perspective found concrete manifestation in the 73rd Amendment when Panchayati Raj Institutions were constitutionally recognised. AGAM works at the grass-roots level to ensure that the rural India prospers and with the increased focus of the Government in developing the villages of the country, the work finds extreme relevance.
Our objectives –
- To ensure capacity building of farmers about good quality seeds and other agricultural technology, both existing and emerging.
- To provide training to the farmers for their economic development with emphasis on areas such as dairy farming, poultry farming, bee-keeping, organic farming, etc.
- To assist in establishment of Energy Centres in the villages for upliftment of farmers and village population.
- To assist the rural population in improving their access to energy by providing more information on renewable sources of energy such as biogas, solar energy, wind energy, etc.
- To conduct awareness camp for educating citizens about state and central government employment schemes as a solution to the problem of rural unemployment.
Our Efforts
Educating Farmers on Organic Farming
Our team regularly visit different villages in Uttar Pradesh and other states in India to educate farmers about organic farming and how it is quite useful and beneficial for them both in terms of health and economic point of view.
We encourage them to adopt organic practices in farming that will indeed increase the soil quality and in turn the quantum of crops they produce.