Woman Empowerment & Childcare

Women Empowerment
According to various surveys conducted by Government of India, International Bodies as well as based on our own experiences, it has been observed that traditionally women in India are denied, not in absolute terms, their basic rights such as education, health and access to business and society at large. Although there has been a significant improvement in recent times but the rate of such improvement is very slow and now with the adaptations of SDGs by the United Nations it became imperative to end any type of gender discrimination as per SDG (5) by 2030. AGAM as a Civil Society Organization contributes in accelerating the rate of improvement in women’s development and ending any type of gender discrimination present in the society.
Our Objectives in this direction includes –
- To end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls in every walks of life.
- To empower girls and women especially from rural areas to become financially independent.
- To encourage girls and women to use modern scientific technologies so that they don’t lag behind boys and men in this fast changing modern world.
- To make efforts and encourage girls and women to take part in decision making processes in matters related to their life, family and society, in general
- To raise awareness among the general masses and ensure girls and women’s equal rights to economic resources, movable and immovable properties, inheritance, natural resources and other all arenas where traditionally they were denied to have same rights and opportunity as that of boys and men.
Our Efforts
Sewing Machine Centre
We have started our Sewing Machine Centre in April 2019 at our Gram Shiksha and Suchna Kendra (GSSK) at Babhniyawan village in Bahraich district. Girls and women of all age groups come to our centre. This program stresses upon training on operating sewing machines, embroidery, arts, and designing skills as well as tailoring that can assist in their livelihood.
Apart from providing training on sewing machines, many drop our girls and newly married girls who left their study earlier also study during the class. They were exposed to modern IT technologies and English language skills along with girls and women’s rights.